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AMISOM meeting on SEA ends with a call for transparency and partnership

 Chairperson of the Commission (SRCC) for Somalia and Head of AMISOM, Ambassador Maman Sambo Sidikou - Photo by ACCORD

Hiiraan Online
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Johannesburg, S. Africa (HOL) -On the concluding day of the 3 day workshop on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) which was opened on October 9, 2014 by the recently appointed Special Representative of the Chairperson of the Commission (SRCC) for Somalia and Head of AMISOM, Ambassador Maman Sambo Sidikou, ended with firm conclusions and recommendations in Johannesburg.

The conference which was facilitated by UNSOA and ACCORD, a South African-based non profit organisation , was aimed at strengthening the AMISOM Mission in Somalia’s instruments and approaches towards preventing and addressing the issue of SEA which they were criticised for engaging in and later ignoring, by Human Rights Watch last month.

Nigeria former president Obsengo put the issue of SEA squarely to both the civilian and the military leaders. He said there is no bad soldiers but bad leaders. He shared his experience as a head of Nigerian peacekeeping force in Congo.

Photo Courtesy of ACCORD

Charles Ayodeji Adeogun-Phillips, Nigerian lawyer and former genocide and war crimes prosecutor, made an excellent presentation on issues relating to SEA. He said that  cultural and religious beliefs may prevent victims from reporting SEA cases in Africa . He highlighted the number of cases as prosecutor relating SEA. He said that it would be difficult for the victims to come out for evidence. Most of the victims are better off to forget.

The other issues raised in the conference was the lack of connection between AMISOM and the Somali Media. There is no coordinated communication strategy between AMISOM and Somali Media and good example was how the AMISOM dealt with HRW report where they gave different version on the report.

Dr. Omar Abdulle Alasow, senior adviser to both AMISOM and UNSOA for international humanitarian law has explained the conference that there was a lack of EXTERNAL MECHANISM for reporting Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). Where do the victim go to report? Obviously they can’t go to the base to report the abuse. This was compounded, most senior AMISOM officials felt, by  the absence of effective reporting mechanisms for cases of SEA which poses the biggest threat to the credibility of the entire Mission in Somalia alongside the reluctance of victims or whistle blowers to report cases of SEA directly to AMISOM.

The recommendations, all aimed at enhancing the credibility, image and reputation of AMISOM in relations to SEA, were many but among the most important were community outreach and communication, SEA training and education within AMISOM, the engagement of the media and working in partnership with the Somali government and other key national institutions to address and tackle the issue.

The recommendations made clear that AMISOM should capitalise on its enhancing reputation and improving trust between itself and the Somali government to make serious headway on tackling SEA.

All AMISOM participants at this meeting agreed that in cases of SEA there should be a thorough and independent investigation and that the outcomes should be communicated to the victims and the public where necessary, required and agreed to by the victims who generally fear stigmatization.

“Today’s recommendations are very important but we need to act on it on the ground to win the trust of the Somali people again,” said one participant who did not want to be named.

“Soldiers need leadership and guidance and the military leaders should listen hard and fight for hearts and minds as well as territory,” stated another AMISOM military personnel who did not want to be named.

Among the Somali delegates attended the conference were Somali State ministry of Defense Mohamed Ali Hareed who briefied the conference the Somali government stand on the SEA. He thanked AMISOM and AU in general for coming to help Somalia to restore peace and stability. Accompanying the minister is Ali Isaq head of Policy and Planning in the Somali military . Mohamed Ali Jama , First Secretary of the Djibouti Embassy in Somalia and Sadia Areys Isse, MP of Somali parliament.



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