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Spain donates 2 million Euros to Somalia

Hiiraan Online
Friday, July 18, 2014

Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) - The minister of foreign affairs and investment of the federal republic of Somalia Abdirahman Duale Beyleh said that Spain pledged to donate millions of Euros in aid to Somalia.

The minister made the announcement at a press conference at Mogadishu’s Aden Abdulle international airport upon arrival back from Spain on Thursday.

During his stay in Madrid, the foreign minister said that he held lengthy talks with his Spanish counterpart during which they discussed on the strengthening of co-operative relations between the two nations.

“After very crucial talks in the capital Madrid, the Spanish government announced two million Euros for job creation program for youth to prevent youth radicalization" Beyleh told the media at the airport.

The minister said that his diplomatic trip to Spain has yielded very positive results in terms of the boost of bilateral ties between Somalia and Spain.

The Spanish government has not been directly involved in Somalia for the past two decades, although its charity the MSF Spain has been operating in the country providing health care and other assistances to the vulnerable people in the country.

HOL English News Desk


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