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Al Shabab executes two boys for spying

Hiiraan Online
Sunday, July 13, 2014

AL Shabab militants in Somalia have killed two boys including a teenager after they have been accused of spying for the federal government of Somalia.

The boys were publicly executed in the coastal town of Barawe in the Lower Shabelle region on Saturday afternoon.

Hundreds of inhabitants in the city were forced to watch the execution.

Al Shabab officials who addressed the people threatened that every one found guilty of working for what they described as ‘the enemy of Allah’ will be dealt with in accordance with Islamic law which means "EXCUTION".

The executed boys were identified as Abdi Hassan Hussein, 19, and Said Hussein Ali, 26 and according to the Al Shabab court judge Sheik Mohamed Abu Abdalla the boys were working as spies for the for Somali government for a period of time.

Sheik Abu Abdalla said the boys confessed their crimes and were executed in accordance with the Islamic law. Several masked militants have carried out the death punishment.

For the past six months at least 10 people were executed in Barawe for spying for Somali government and the United States.

HOL English News Desk


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