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President Hassan: Al Shabaab are a disgrace to Somalia and will not derail our emerging peace
Office of the President of Somalia
Press release
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Speaking in Mogadishu today after the attack by Al Shabaab terrorists on the United Nations Common Compound, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of the Federal republic of Somalia, said:

"Al Shabaab are a disgrace to Somalia. Their cowardly attack on innocent, unarmed civilian UN staff and their Somali guards today shows us all that they care nothing for Somalia or the Somali people.

"It has been confirmed that eight people died in the attack, four of whom were Somali citizens. I offer my condolences, on behalf of the Somali people, to the families of all those killed and injured in the attack on the United Nations Common Compound.

"I have spoken to both Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary General, and Nick Kay, the new UN SRSG to Somalia, to express my horror at the attack and extend my personal sympathies to all the UN family on this sad day. The UN Common Compound is home to humanitarian staff who come to help us and must never be subjected to such violence.

"I congratulate the security forces of the SNA and AMISOM who responded so quickly and recovered the situation with discipline and professionalism. The UN staff inside the compound acted with great courage under very grave circumstances. I am relieved that so many got out safely.

"Over the past year, Somalia has turned a corner. We are now on a determined path of recovery and reconciliation. Violence and terror will not derail this.

"Al Shabaab do not represent the will of the Somali people. The UN, and all our partners, know that we are on the right path and we stand firm together, resolute in our determination to bring peace, security and prosperity to this nation.

"I must reassure people that we have overall control of the security situation and our security forces work tirelessly to protect us all. We will sadly be subject to this sort of mindless terrorism for some time, however, and I call upon all citizens to increase vigilance, report suspicious activity and help us to deter and catch these cowardly criminals."


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