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    Dr Ali @ 1/15/2008 12:12 PM EST
 I do understand habarahan taagersan Amhara stoge but I don't get why they support American war on Islam?. Adduunyo xaalka ba'. Will they continue to support the illegit Amhara regime after ina yeey pass insha Allah to Jahannam
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/11/2008 12:37 PM EST
 Lama sige,

" It is a case of repeating lies a thousand times in the hope that it becomes the truth". I agree with you on that, a lot of Somalis are sufferers of well orchestrated proboganda machines. Let Abdirizak and his partners continue, I am just hoping that they will wake up one day.
    qig504 @ 1/10/2008 10:59 PM EST
 Nothing is worse than having neither Federal system nor a Unitary system and still calling yourself a government.  We need to spend some quality time to debate on how to set up a clear legal mandate to those of us who will be running Somalia beyond this traitor’s club called TFG.  2009 is fast approaching with neither a Federal nor a Unitary system in place for the Somali nation to function as a civilised nation.

It is clear whoever dislodges the current colonial occupation of the Abyssinian Army will have a clear mandate to run Somalia for the next 5 years, but under what system!.  Federal!.  Unitary!.  Seventh century Khalifat!.  We badly need to have a genuine debate on that to decide which one:- We all know the chances of conducting a free and fair federal election by 2009 is nil, zero, zilch for the following reasons:-

(A) The [STATES] within the current bogus [FEDERAL] system are still unknown to anyone including the current bogus TFG itself, and even worse no one is talking about that.  (B) The separation between the [FEDERAL] legal jurisdiction and the [STATE] legal jurisdiction are unknown to anyone at all, and even worse no one is having a debate about it. [C]  The [FEDERAL VOTERS REGISTRATION] institution is none existent and even worse no one is talking about it though the TFG was there for 4 years now.  [D] The Country is under a colonial foreign military occupation.

We have to set-up a clear mandate of what to do with those of us who have committed the unredeemable crime like [HIGH TREASON] by signing up Somalia for the Invasion and occupation of its 500 years old arch enemy. Should we execute them for the crime!. Should we send them to jail for life with no parole for the crime!.  Should we prohibit them from the participation of the nation’s political life directly or indirectly for the rest of their life!.  Should we elect them to do it again whenever we oppose their will.!.  I think we need to talk and now  
    qig504 @ 1/10/2008 10:58 PM EST
 Nothing is worse than having neither Federal system nor a Unitary system and still calling yourself a government.  We need to spend some quality time to debate on how to set up a clear legal mandate to those of us who will be running Somalia beyond this traitor’s club called TFG.  2009 is fast approaching with neither a Federal nor a Unitary system in place for the Somali nation to function as a civilised nation.

It is clear whoever dislodges the current colonial occupation of the Abyssinian Army will have a clear mandate to run Somalia for the next 5 years, but under what system!.  Federal!.  Unitary!.  Seventh century Khalifat!.  We badly need to have a genuine debate on that to decide which one:- We all know the chances of conducting a free and fair federal election by 2009 is nil, zero, zilch for the following reasons:-

(A) The [STATES] within the current bogus [FEDERAL] system are still unknown to anyone including the current bogus TFG itself, and even worse no one is talking about that.  (B) The separation between the [FEDERAL] legal jurisdiction and the [STATE] legal jurisdiction are unknown to anyone at all, and even worse no one is having a debate about it. [C]  The [FEDERAL VOTERS REGISTRATION] institution is none existent and even worse no one is talking about it though the TFG was there for 4 years now.  [D] The Country is under a colonial foreign military occupation.

We have to set-up a clear mandate of what to do with those of us who have committed the unredeemable crime like [HIGH TREASON] by signing up Somalia for the Invasion and occupation of its 500 years old arch enemy. Should we execute them for the crime!. Should we send them to jail for life with no parole for the crime!.  Should we prohibit them from the participation of the nation’s political life directly or indirectly for the rest of their life!.  Should we elect them to do it again whenever we oppose their will.!.  I think we need to talk and now  
    lamasige @ 1/10/2008 7:11 PM EST
 This writer reminds me of Joseph Geobels,Hitler's PR man.
It is a case of repeating lies a thousand times in the hope that
it becomes the truth. Ethiopia is not an eternal enemy. It is not a Christian nation but a nation with a muslim majority.
It did not invade somali but came to its rescue from anarchists. It is the insurgents that have
caused the humanitarian crisis by hiding among civilians (for a good laugh see Amin Amir latest cartoon called " Jihaadka saan miyaa".The majority of Somalis do not want the talibization of our country.
the UIC was made of one clan. The tfg is a broad based group that is representative of all somali communities. Despite the obstacles, the tfg is determined to take somalia forward to a normal country.
Wake up and Smell the coffee and accept the facts on the country
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